The Lion’s Daughter Release Newest Video On Pornhub
LOMM Exclusive - BONUS: France Based Season of Mist - label
St. Louis band The Lion’s Daughter released their video for “Die Into Us” on Pornhub one week before Halloween 2018 and received more than 20,000 views by the holiday. Hosting the video on the largest pornographic video sharing website is a choice based on anti-censorship. The Lion’s Daughter’s record label and distributor Season of Mist comments, “The video that Brian Cummings produced and directed for them is so beautiful [that] rather than risk it getting flagged at YouTube because of the content, we took it someplace that we knew wouldn’t force us to change it or compromise the vision.” Of the hundreds of bands and labels that Season of Mist distributes, “Die Into Us” marks the first time the company has released a music video on Pornhub, possibly a first for the industry.

The Lions’ Daughter base their craft on musically-driven cinematic drama themes culminating into what can best be described as the most complete synthesis of extreme metal and horror score created to date.
Delving into new territory that the Pornhub release explores has garnered little return for their current audience or prospective audiences. Band member Rick Giordano admits, “Our actual fans had a bit of a hard time finding it on there…since there is so much to search through. There were a few people that came across the video and seemed to like it, but judging by the comments, which is all we really have to go on, those people are definitely in the minority.” Still, the new business model is itself attracting attention as Season of Mist cite “other metal artists…seem blown away by it being there, and somewhat envious of that fact.” The label also applauds the sheer tenacity of innovation stating, “…it generated a response in a world where everyone is deadened by the onslaught of media they are inundated by on a daily basis. So it’s a big win to us.”

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